Friday, June 8, 2012

How To Verify Your Twitter Account

People Who Can Apply For Verification:

Twitter verifies for only few account based on the legitimate reasons,  i.e.Twitter accepts only public figure like actor,actress,politician,musician,socialist etc., or if your name tweeted on multiple Twitter accounts.

Get a Verified Account on Twitter
Twitter will not consider you for verification unless you have a minimum of 100,000 followers. However, in practice this number is not strictly true, by any means.  In fact, a cursory look at twitter's own words on the subject reveal that they urge Tweeters to "It is not the fact it should meet the program criteria ."

Apply Twitter Verification:

Send a direct message to!/verified along with following information.
  • Account Name
  • Your Full Name
  • Location
  • Official website (Add Twitter badge to increase follow)
  • Bio information 
  • Primary contact name (referring to the individual who manages the account)
  • Additional Contact Information.
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